The Creative Playground
In the midst of the hubbub of daily life in Utrecht, The Creative Playground is opening up this central green space available to all visitors. The Creative Playground offers visitors a multi-diverse experience in this space from a quiet place to rest and dwell in greenery or discover something creative and get inspired by making new connections or participate in artistic events and workshops.
What's at The Creative Playground
In and around De Kweekvijver and The Frame you can discover and participate in the lively on-going artistic, sustainable and up-cycling projects and events.
You can meander through the sculpture garden and Pluktuin, picking the wildflowers and herbs or make additions to a sculpture or create one of your own.
Pop into the train waggon, Perron West, for a choice beverage and chat. You can also join or host a workshop of your own in the space.
Contact: | 0682587067 | Westplein 1001 Utrecht

Click here to check out the events and workshops from 2022
Click here for information about our events, art & workshops